Dienstag, 21. Mai 2024

International Law and a trap.

There is a lot of talking about democratic structures going on: about THE democratic STATE. The ONLY One in the Middle East

As a far away outcast a lone bystander, I dare say I have some doubts:

Because I do actually remember a LOT of stories that tore apart this kind of presumption.

For instance,  the declaration of an emergency state,

 the denounciation of the beginning of a theokratic “republic”,so in the German Newspapers https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/justizreform-in-israel-wie-gefaehrdet-ist-die-demokratie-a-80ae04a0-34f4-4fa3-9166-b5979f3bfc8d

 the denial of rights, for instance to prisoners, as in https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crgygdr7vezo

and so on.

Medias and the journalists working there, very often have a very short memory, focussing channeling their attention towards the immediate past or the immediate future and often conveying more incentive information startling arrousing so called evidence as news, sometimes more than eager to trigger attention.

Perhaps I should say I grew up in a journalist’s house. The news started  - during the eighties - during those long gone times without internet or social medias -  around 6.30 p.m with local news, then, and evry thirty minutes we coudl swap to another news channel - within the range of Swiss and Austrian News, Bavarian and sometimes French news - we had a lot stuff to do until 10.30 pm - every day)

And I learned that sometimes events like the - execution - of Ceauscescu

being suspended to the darkness of a TV screen… could be exhausting for...lets say a young girl or  the exhausted  patience of an tired observer.

Unfortunately today, this NEW presumption of being directed against any "democratic State" in particular - or THE Democratic State in general  - has now been directed against the International  COURT of Den Haag and in context for the international community.

For me this is  a very concerning situation.

The "League of Nations", The international community, The United Nations are for my research and my family - from the early twenties of the last century on - a very strong topic.

Concerning minorities or religion, tolerance, solidarity or - only - on behalf of philosophy. 

The philosophy of right and law and whatever it takes to be an autonomous individuum.

And for some personal reasons the Nurenberg Trials are a very strong point in it -

as to the question - should Dr Hans Globke, be accused of crimes aganist humanity -

or should a secretary who had  typed, written or transmitted orders in any other way be accused as well.

But the problem is: when and where had the idea popped up - in a German brain, precisely, please - and if it was so,

there should there could be some implications even ten years BEFORE the Nuremberg Trials had even started.

This is my problem:

The problem is (I hope will be able to express my thoughts correctly), that the idea,  a State could be held accountable for non-protection or elimination of a part of it's population

and the idea that the individuals living under the jurisdiction of a State should be protected against the harmful government 

and or on the other side that the rights of individuals as belonging to a special group could be threatened - and a state could be held accountable.

The question on who is protected and on what grounds      

As Philippe Sands had said

in a Conference

now on Youtube:


This idea is a new one.

Philippe Sands,  Barrrister and One of the co-defendants in the ongoing Den Haag Procedure writer about the "Ratline", for instance, the escape road for German mass murderers helped by the Catholic Church in the end of the Second World War

- which, by the way, has ended - 

 Is to be considered a PROGRESS after the second world war.

For my research, for instance, before my insignificance could reach out to Gustav Radbruch, Erik Wolf and/ or Martin Heidegger's Philosophy of the - presumably - national-socialist State -

I must take Edith Stein's considerations and observations about a possible conception of STATE seriously - which could be interesting due to her interest in Adolf Reinach.

In one of her earlier writings discussing  the relation between a STATE and parts of its population, Edith Stein casts a doubt concerning the question if a State had the right to destroy or to impoverish a part of it's  own population.

(She was not mentioning the possibility that a STATE must be held accountable for the destruction of the population of another territory or a possibly existing  STATE EVEN IF this STATE was not recognized by the incriminated State-Subject)

If I understood it correctly Edith Stein was not examining the question further, but she said

She had difficulties in imaginaging the SURVIVAL of the State in question.

As if there was a kind of  claim or promesse of prosperity as founding necessity on the basic ground of a State as a kind of what means to be a state).

The problem is not alone that of criminal gouvernance , "illegitimate authority" ( Chomsky)

or desobeying brutal orders or the indiscriminate application of a terror regime to a foreign population

the problem is  - only - philosophical : where do get people the idea of another possibility of a better law.  (No, it is not, wrong faux stupid wrong...Falsch nada rein. nullissime.)

would mean to find a way in a no-man's land to expose the unjust and to bring it forward for a better justice.

To pretend NOW as German Newspapers do, oblivious of their own reporting two years earlier, that there is injustice in the first beginnings, in the earliest stages of  the possible Opening of a trial, bringing up charges .... as a step of an evolution of  International LAW

and by doing so, to prepare the ground for the more general call of stalling the courts proceedings because of the INEQUALITY in the beginning  of the accusation by

That this would constitute an indication Of INJUSTICE

Becaue it is a PROPAGANDA as claims 


Rafael Seligman, Jüdische Allgemeine, 05.02.2024

And this puts an end to every research.

No comparison.

No jurisdictional problems.

Only propaganda.

BUT whatever the higher groundings of the foundation of a State might be -

concerning PROPAGANDA -  I must say, I have a very little word on my own.

And a hacked one, too. (This devaluation applies to the entire issue).

Picture. Wrinting machine

Would the German Newspaper SPIEGEL be so kind  to accept me saying that this person

Siegfried Otto fath, who belonged to the German Occupoation force in Paris, France and in Greece Athens

working for the Auswärtige Amt, under Graevenitz and Rudolf Rahn

Got prisoner of war from march 1945 until Oct 1946 in Russian captivity, which he survived. In Midsth of October 1946 he made it back to Germany and from just around the 14th of November 1946 he served in the American forces.

Ratline IN PUBLIC sight

Which is quite surprising, perhaps du to a lack of consideration by the Allied Forces

Which could mean something else and  COULD allow to rise the question:

How did he get there and what had he done to deserve this?

BUT WHAT IF I would  today pretend, The Nuremberg Trials were a pure product of  PROPAGANDA?

Would it not be a denial of the Nuremberg Trials?


And some  rotten and vulgar thinking of dead persons…

This rotting into the territorial side of nothingness

Produced by a dead person

a dead person in the making.

Oh shit, I forgot, This  is, vulgar but not yet pornographique Heideggerian style.

With deep pain

 With deep pain

Am I listening to the News

It is a pain taking root in my body

Deep inside my belly

Whre you and every of us is suspended

A dead girl’s body

How could I possibly express condolence sorrow pain

When you are not welcome

There where  the abstract  line of dialogue

Has to be suspended

When every word one might say is a pity itself

Do I remember my motherhood

Motherhood is starting once but never ending

How could I share some words of grieve of pain of solitude and isolation

Eisan de oi andres pros Lot: Estin tis sun

Blasphemy and even

if it was a kind of thinking about being cursed

It must be exploited expropriated

African thinkers may think about 

La malédiction 

but  not German philosophers, German Civil right activists because 

( it would be an entorse, French word,  a denial of German Rationality -)

This THINKING about a curse damnation

Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2024

May 9, 2024


Aus der Tiefe meiner Bedeutungslosigkeit

Möchte man gerne ein Faß aufmachen

Über die geistlose Staatliche Inszenierung von DENKEN, die, was den Deutsche Idealismus angeht, schon ein paar häßliche Volten geschlagen hat

Doch was gehts mich an?

Being a dead person

macht es hier nicht viel Sinn, mitreden zu wollen.

Als sozialer Außenseiter könnte ich nichts beitragen zu der Krise der Hochschulen und der staatlichen, polizeilichen administrativen  Unterdrückung von Protesten, die lautstark geführt, "nicht am Dialog" orientiert sind und stattdessen


I can't get it right

Niemals über die Probleme des Hochschulwesen sprechen, des akademischen Lehrpersonals

Zu denen ich mich nicht rechnen kann noch jemals könnte

Das Bürgerrecht, soweit ich es kenne, steht auf wackeligen Beinen

Es klebt mit den Stichworten 'Antisemitismus' und 'Brennholz'  an meinem Pass

Aber die Stadt Freiburg weiß nicht, wie 'Brennholz" und 'Antisemitismus"  da hin kommen,

Folglich ist es nicht wichtig und muß nicht weiter verfolgt werden.

Doch wie das so ist an einem Himmelsfahrttag, wenn man die Badische Zeitung liest, statt Goethe oder hinter einem der Bollerwägen hertrödelt -

"Es sind nur wenige hundert Menschen, die an der FU Berlin gegen den Krieg Israels in Gaza demonstrieren. "

und eine Collage machen möchte aus all den Schlagzeilen Nachrichten, die man anderswo lesen kann in den europäischen Tagesszeitungen

Die Anerkennung des Palästinensischen Staates JETZT - Libération veröffentlicht am 9.Mai 2024 um 10h31.


France 24 begleitet einen Fliegertransport Mit NUR 2000 schwerverletzten Kindern aus Gaza.


Haaretz  mit einer Vielheit von Stimmen Hochschuldissussionen und Besatzungspolitik nebeneinandersetzt -

so scheint mir, mit meinen blinden Augen, die niemand in Freiburg erreichen,

dass die Zensur die man sich hier  in der Echokammer von Antisemitismus und Hass hochschaukeln lässt,

ausblendet, nur sehen lässt

Haaretz, wieder:

"Judging by the Israeli media, the biggest crisis at the moment isn't the war in Gaza, the tensions in the north or the fate of the hostages. It's the anti-war protests on American college campuses..."Mical Raz and Guy Grossman, May 9, 2024, 4:45 pm IDT.