There is no liberation of Auschwitz.
Not for someone like me and not for the people I come from.
They merited punishment and they will forever merit punishment
if by any chance or disastrous circumstances
Or by their wicked evil mind
They had finished their lives in one of those death facilities
They have, I must admit, collaborated on their building:
The people I come from are linked to the Ermächtigung and by doing so - to the Establishment of NS State,which is linked to the date of The 30 January.
And - if I was allowed to explain to one of the listeners of BBC
Sunday night around 1 or 2 a.m.
In one of those German Tunnels
(Yes, I know, coming from me - it looks like an obvious disastrous and hateful mimicking of TUNNELS - But I do know - and I have some ideas about - why I am using it)
YES I would say: The Judgment and the day of the Liberation of the Holocaust, they are linked
A matter of PRINCIPLE.
(But as to the question if the judges had done it deliberately as the listener repeated twenty times - I could not possibly give an answer. (And yes, as you see my answer is already tainted by hate and antisemitism there could not be anything else)
And if the United Nations, The Court of Justice, The organizations of humanitarian aid
Are to be questioned to the ethical character of their motives
My relatives, my - being/me- ancestors would never ever had undertaken any kind of …relief…action…
There is no and there never was any kind of NO human - endeavor of solidarity, action or any kind of humanitarian goal.
Interrupting, halting or even documenting the atrocities..was none of their business
No general idea, no transnational undertaking, no more simple-minded individual conception of doing SOMETHING or anything against...
Only oneway straightforward committment to atrocity
I apologize for my despicable words but coming from one with a doglike mentality
A weak creature made by stumbling shitty words I do not have a correct idea of Auschwitz
(And I must confess I hate to claim some professionalism)
But I do think that the fact Auschwitz or Buchenwald existed
Is reason enough
to encourage any action any stopping atrocities anywhere
In any situation
Stripping others from being held innocent for being convicted is something that looks important to me.
And I do have a problem with seeing Heydrich in Gaza.
It does not look like it.
Even if I know Brunner is said to have lived to the happy end of his days in Syria.
I have difficulties to admit the rationale of retaliation one for 20 one for 200
A kind of blind rage is then coming out of me
Out of my darkness
One of those nazi words way of thinking
BUT developing this argumentation anyhow further is obviously suicide.
There is no liberation and none of theological reasoning.
Even on a theological basis, if it comes to a Christian faith
There would be ONLY antijudaic antisemitic and antizionist ideas and I try to listen carefully to jewish writers, artists, philosophers - my grandparents, my parents have taught me
Auschwitz is a place
here hate intervenes, I have some computational issues...word/pagesprogramm inetrrupted/ new words showing up...hate has it...reclaiming its presence..
a place that concerns every person, and all humanity
Auschwitz of which every country and every nation should have heard of
But, and hate interferes here, Auschwitz is a place which separation again is operating
Blood splitting
First, because all the knowledge I could have
There is nor was no compassion no timid reaching out to someone
No charity no human interest
because all the knowledge I could possibly have about death in Auschwitz
I t is supposed to be a fake one, a made up…like those German opportunists
Weak squeamish bleak disastrous and without any character
Invented, made up. Covering lies.
The people I come from would never ever invented some sort of “help” or knew much about "deuil" -
they would have been tooo weak and incapable. Loosers are for some reason. They did not really try…they are intrinsically biased -
even if it was a desperate moment for other people as for Werner Scholem, for instance.
When it comes then to protestant theology, the picture gets darker
as to the Switzerlands Humanitarian organizations or to Switzerlands Jewish organizations There is and was NO COMMON Ground.
This has to be set apart. Separated. Clearly and distinctively.
There is no Pasteur Trocme, there is no Christian or something from The Society of Friends
(In France perhaps they do believe there was one support)
Or even in Great Britain Bishop Cicestre
Nothing BUT.
Switzerland would never ever had been a place worth dreaming of
Not HEIDEN nor Trogen nor the Appenzeller Land
Small towns on maps but abyssal in their interior civic separation
With a deep mental separation line and phantasmagorical figures like Saly Mayer. Or Paul Grüninger
or Carl Lutz who - probably never ever existed - compared to Raoul Wallenberg but not his administrational counterpart and collaborator…
No consolation.
(Any form of so called humanistic consolation I could possibly be “proud of” , is fading out and
disappearing): The more it comes to responsibility the deeper the fall and the disgrace of this ‘abjection humaine’ as French readers would say.
If I would dare dreaming of Gisi Fleischmann
One of my nightmares
It would never be a kind of flower
To deposit on an imaginary grave
Hate intervenes. Pictures must be raped as well
My father reproached me - in a kind of deaf deafest conviction
To applaud the rape rapt sexual violence against the woman children and men of Israel.
It is difficult to correct my father publicly.
As a slut, inferior theological deprived creature I can speak with obscenity aroused and dumped in vulgarity, causing great harm and embarassment with my words on missing female, human solidarity.
Rape and liberation - this is something I could talk about
But it is difficult to link the terms of rape and liberation.
Like keys you’d rather smash someone in the face