Dienstag, 30. Januar 2024

There is no liberation of Auschwitz.

There is no liberation of Auschwitz.
Not for someone like me and not for the people I come from.

They  merited punishment  and they will forever merit punishment
if by any chance or disastrous circumstances
Or by their wicked evil mind
They had finished their lives in one of those death facilities

They have, I must admit, collaborated on their building:
The people I come from are linked to the Ermächtigung and by doing so -  to the Establishment of NS State,which is linked to the date of The 30 January.

And - if  I was allowed to explain to one of the listeners of BBC
Sunday night around  1 or 2 a.m.
In one of those German Tunnels
(Yes, I know, coming from me - it looks like an obvious disastrous and hateful mimicking of TUNNELS - But I do know - and I have some ideas  about - why I am using it)

YES  I would say: The Judgment and the day of the Liberation of the Holocaust, they are linked
A matter of PRINCIPLE. 

(But as to the question if the judges had done it deliberately as the listener repeated twenty times  - I  could not possibly give an answer. (And yes, as you see  my answer is already tainted by hate and antisemitism there could not be anything else)

And if the United Nations, The Court of Justice, The organizations of humanitarian aid
Are to be questioned to the ethical character of their motives

My relatives, my - being/me- ancestors would never ever had undertaken any kind of …relief…action…
There is no and there never was any kind of NO human -  endeavor of solidarity, action  or any kind of humanitarian goal.
Interrupting, halting or even documenting the atrocities..was none of their business
No general idea, no transnational undertaking, no more simple-minded individual  conception of doing SOMETHING or anything against...
Only oneway straightforward committment to atrocity

I apologize for my despicable words but coming from one with a doglike mentality
A weak creature made by stumbling shitty words I do not have a correct idea of Auschwitz
(And I must confess I hate to claim some professionalism)

But I do think that the fact Auschwitz or Buchenwald existed
Is reason enough
to encourage  any action any stopping atrocities anywhere
In any situation
Stripping others from being held innocent for being convicted is something that looks important to me.

And  I do have a problem with seeing Heydrich in Gaza.
It does not look like it.
Even if I know Brunner is said to have lived to the happy end of his days in Syria.
I have difficulties to admit the rationale of retaliation  one for 20 one for 200
A kind of blind rage is then coming out of me
Out of my darkness
One of those nazi words way of thinking
BUT developing this argumentation anyhow further is obviously  suicide.

There is no liberation and none of theological reasoning.
Even on a theological basis, if it comes to a Christian faith
There would be ONLY antijudaic antisemitic and antizionist ideas and I try to listen carefully to jewish writers, artists, philosophers - my grandparents, my parents have taught me

Auschwitz is a place 

here hate intervenes, I have some computational issues...word/pagesprogramm inetrrupted/ new words showing up...hate has it...reclaiming its presence..

a place that concerns  every person, and all humanity      

Auschwitz of which every country and every nation should have heard of
But, and hate interferes here, Auschwitz is a place which separation again is operating
Blood splitting

First, because all the knowledge I could have
There  is nor was no compassion no timid reaching out to someone
No charity no human interest
because all the knowledge I could possibly have about death in Auschwitz
I t is supposed to be a fake one, a made up…like those German opportunists
Weak squeamish bleak disastrous and without any character

Invented, made up. Covering lies.

The people I come from would never ever invented some sort of “help” or knew much about "deuil" - 

they would have been tooo weak and incapable. Loosers are for some reason. They did not really try…they are intrinsically biased - 

even if it was a desperate moment for other people as for Werner Scholem, for instance.
When it comes then to protestant theology, the picture gets darker
as to the Switzerlands Humanitarian organizations or to Switzerlands Jewish organizations There is  and was NO COMMON Ground.
This has to be set apart. Separated. Clearly and distinctively.
There is no Pasteur Trocme, there is no Christian or something from The Society of Friends
(In France perhaps they do believe there was one support)
Or even in Great Britain Bishop Cicestre   

Nothing BUT.
Switzerland would never ever had been a place worth dreaming of
Not HEIDEN nor Trogen nor the Appenzeller Land
Small towns on maps but abyssal in their interior civic separation
With a deep mental separation line and phantasmagorical  figures like Saly Mayer. Or Paul Grüninger
or Carl Lutz who  - probably  never ever existed -  compared to Raoul Wallenberg but not his administrational counterpart and collaborator…

No consolation.
(Any form of so called humanistic consolation I could possibly be “proud of” , is fading out and
disappearing): The more it comes to responsibility the deeper the fall  and the disgrace of  this ‘abjection humaine’ as French readers would say.

If I would dare dreaming of Gisi Fleischmann
One of my nightmares
It would never be a kind of flower
To deposit on an imaginary grave

Hate intervenes. Pictures must be raped as well

My father reproached me - in a kind of deaf deafest conviction
To applaud the rape rapt sexual violence against the woman children and men of Israel.

It is difficult to correct my father publicly.
As a slut, inferior theological deprived creature  I can speak with obscenity aroused and dumped in vulgarity, causing great harm and embarassment with my words on missing female, human solidarity.

Rape and liberation - this is something I could talk about

But it is difficult to link the terms of  rape and liberation.
Like keys you’d rather smash someone in the face

Montag, 15. Januar 2024


 Der nicht ging im Rat der Gottlosen


Translation when History ThOLOGY and Politics are mixed in,
is, with all its burden buried parts, complicated.
In my situation even more, because  I am a profound unfit speaker improper thinker
and the feeling of language, its inner elegance and outmost originality, its taste, its depth and afterthoughts  the subtelties between tongue teeth salive and melodie to paraphrase some of Nobokov's impressive masterpieces I love to keep them swinging swirled up discreet/indiscrete unfinished trailing...
(of course in a very limited way because I am motherfucker German and have as such a limited mind brain as some of my old French colleges love to remind me  arrêtée arrierée I have to be limited in any way possible<)

In my situation I think better ...to keep things going on a slippery ground
more apt and likely to appear naiv, to be foolish than rigid in dignity.

Translation here is part of process, part of the historical procedure of RECONSTRUCTION which in itself seems foolish but not uninteresting - because World War 2 is still to be won if I am correctly informed.

Reconstruction therefore of some existing (or not) links between some Germans and some Not
part of the Friendship between Carl Theil Buber. And que cela vous déplaise de la traduction de la BIBLE la Scripture
and translation is at the heart of Montessorian pedagogy and Miussionary efforts in Africa
part of German Aryanization of French Publishers
and of course through the (very selfish) use  I am making of those documents part of the whicked evil entreprise undertaking to pervert Europe or the world with German cognitive structure (Xavier Bordes).

Translation itself is here in my documents a kind of last resort against a very black deadly background.
Knowing that TODAY this kind of endeavor seems even more ridiculous
and the support from Jewish NOne because it looks like a second profanation

Translating Martin Buber Wrting into German and then Into French or English and then translating all back...looks foolish( even the protestant idea translating the SCRIPTURA is an empty IDEa: burning emptities)...

My problem here  is  the TRANSLATION of the first Psalm Psaume…for French People.  (Unfortunaetly the world and especially the Human rights  have been created in French and so for French reasons sometimes you have to be more than explicit)  ON the Word COUNSEL


"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked"

"Heureux l'homme qui ne marche pas selon le conseil des méchants"

which, in my situation is a complete mess... Conseil could be something else.
An in this CONTEXT ...walking IN or sitting ON ...woudl mark a profound difference
And for the writer of a letter I want to translate: the word of CONSEIL Counsel ist not teh most important.
Probably du to some Gestapo Surveillance Background Context
Which is difficult to explain because CONTEXT is difficult word TODAY.

because you see, Foolish me, insisting on the Idea it would mean any Form of COUNSEL
With a very clear message.

So my WRITER if I may claim the person in question belonging to me and or for my project
The Writer of the letter focuses on walking into the Cousel. Or sitting on some kind of stone or bench..
Still, I admit, following my reading it is a State Conseil and that's a bit different
Because it is must be a State Counsel where the decision-makers are going to make a decision about LE SALUT, to put a French word in absolute denial of the German HEIL…because it is not for the Sake…but something else which is to be decided.
And thats just the point.

blessing for the people?
which also has to be eliminated.

google Translates:
Good for the people, which would also have to be eliminated.

Political issues concerning ELIMINATION of people In general or People tout court
are - in limited brain - tied to State adminstrations
or higher

perhaps an obvious misunderstanding of mine because for some  other minor  reasons I have to read Heidegger On State / Heidegger on Hegel
And, poor me, I do not agree with Mr Trawny or Maurer or some Americain Hegel Interpretes ... but this is mostly because of their unwillingness and  ignorance to read deeper German on von Trott zu Solz.

The Redaction of the laws OF Blood and Breed …sorry..And Heideggers Unwillingness to discuss Blood and LAWs. In America tehy read antisemitic stereotypes where I do read mathematical sciences but wtf…I am a German reader thats for a lot of people already the dead bunch of dead souls nothing to read then). You can’t read as a dead soul than stare into blindness unfit to hear anything
As my nonfamily  would say.
But anyhow - between darkness and deafness  any parliamentary discussions could be interesting.

In my case for instance the problem is not mainly exclusion based on Blood and blood-pressure but the more basic principle of  NOMOS or LAW.
HOW to exclude a huge part of the population.

What is exclusion.Which are measures taken up to install OR to prevent
Where are they decided
and for this reason some remarks in the letter I Tried here to translate or not to translate..... I'll skip… my audience is already bored to death

are interesting indications.... which I can slowly but hopefully fill with other documents ideas and indications from other members of........ family.

But the problem is not only HOW to translate CONSEIL
marcher DANS le conseil
ou être part du conseil, être membre du Conseil des ministres, par exemple...
ridicoulous difference without any importance...
but  we could imagine some excluded people very unimportant b ut eager to learn more and  especially how to get access to The INNER Circle ..?
You never had this idea... if I only could get in touch with the King... ...never? Ok ok dismissed the idea...

If the question or the important point this letter was written for, was only about .... to walk or to sit in the Circle Conseil des Mechants or  Whicked and evil people.....
and the elimination of the entire population which seems quite exaggerated but not surprisingly today, which is...for a  translator ...a bit difficult...
this time-based understanding

Because you see Time-based understanding ha sto come to light as well…
How to transform things in a more  apt or actual …rendering recapitulation
Closing every possible debate of. sake Good Blessing…
And teh exclusion of Blessing or…äh…. Savety… as to
the problem of legal or illegal arrests. which  are more or less even today something a political state  quarrels with, useful or not, illegal or not , which out of a sudden got something way beyond human understanding

(A lot of difficulties here in redacting my posts..unfortunately I hve to mention all kind of absurd transformations of my writing because sometimes things appear as my saying which I would never have said...but police is without any support)

"Vergewaltigte" *
*der Sinn dieses Wortes fordert noch nicht die Tatsache der vollen Zerstörung, sondern sagt nur aus: Babylon (der Vergewaltigerin) ist jetzt selber Gewalt angetan worden, und daran schließ an die Rachepreisung für die Zukunft: Aber die Zerstörung( Persis griech. nicht gleichfalls mit Wortspiel Sinn im Griechischen)!  

But this is Carl Theil in person… I will not translate, because this is the next post (If I don’t forget)
and I should give some more information about Carl Theil's letter, the circonstances he had written this particular letter and why he send it  to Martin Buber.

In Germany I don' t have the right to talk  much about CONTEXT
because Context means NOW (and is synonym with) denial of  any possible genocidal practises...
Difficult to mention Context and Context so I thought it might be helpful to speak of a kind of Context 1 and Context 2 ...?
Context 2 would be - from my point of view - Martin Buber's then actual situation, then,  on the first of November 1935 and the fact, established by his still existing edited volumes - that the printer had already got Martin Buber's translation of the sorry PSALMEN...SPRÜCHE...LOBPREISUNGEN and there was no need nor necessity for rewriting or redacting them...

But running through my old lines of translation...here some (minor ) translation of Carl Theil letter (a small part because the entire letter runs over several pages)...One translation by me the other by Google... unfortunately Grammarly is not running on this device...

Heureux l'homme qui ne marche pas selon le conseil des méchants. Qui ne s'arrête pas sur la voie des pécheurs. Et qui s'assied pas en compagnie des moqeurs...

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

Jena, 28.october,35.
Dear friend! Thanks for your letter! Some significant things I scarcely could say, so I had to keep silent, but nevertheless there are some points which are important and in particular at least referring to the first gospel i would like to let you know. for thsi i will join the first pages of my notes.
What bothers me most …what disconcert me most is the ongoing. throrough substitution of the word „sake“
- through „happy“ twosyllables or three. twofold / threefold
blessed which occurs to me as having less impact   less substance et therefore weaker and pale, but also with contrasting meaning  …it is perhaps my personal discomfort only with this wording) But if it was to be said/set/placed, what I would accept with regret, then another line is still left: For the people’s sake
Good for teh people … blessing for the people?
which also has to be eliminated.

Dear friend! Thank you for your letter! I hardly have anything "important" to say, so I would probably have to remain silent, but there are some things that are important to me, and some of them, especially those relating to Psalm I, I would like you to at least know. I am therefore enclosing the first pages of my notes.
What bothers me the most is the almost continuous replacement of the succinct, pithy “Wohl” with the two or even three syllables “glücklich” and “blissful”, which not only seems to me to have less substance and therefore be weaker and paler, but also more ambiguously (Perhaps (I?) also personally have a stronger aversion to this word). But if it is to be used, which I only use
regret happened, then PS.89 p. 147? one spot left. Good for the people, which would also have to be eliminated.

Sonntag, 14. Januar 2024

The transhistorical cause



This picture, I thought, might help raising some questions about PROOF.


Most people don't think necessary to  READ the text hidden behind this picture.

There is none and nothing of interest and if there were some individuals concerned by GESTAPO Letters, it is of no public interest anymore.
They would live through any form of hell...but they couldn't possibly be linked to "The Jewish State" nor to an jewish-arab "Friendship "or in any case LINKED to anything concerning Palestine.

Some personal belongings to late family members of my fascist family gone long time ago
some incomprehensible awful twisted situations
suicides on weddings broken fiancés and lies
mixing Geman Jews and assimilation

do ONLY concern RUBBISH.
Rubbish is not interesting.

There is no LOGIC INTO IT. Talking about German Concentration camps FROM THE INSIDE Of Germany is seen, from a philosophical background, and  from a kind of INBETWEEN in the philosophical range of discussion  considered as quite impossible.
(quote Tugenhat quote Wildenauer  quote Heinze)

Even then it was up to the general conclusion "Germans are nazis and nazis do uncomprehensible things"
quote Simone Weil
all this would be nothing more than historical BULLSHIT.
Empirical stuff of some nazi people nothing more than  a mindful dusty dirt, drying up all empathy.
Sometimes individuals stood up for general ideas and sometimes they are (destined) dooemed illfated)  to be represented by those general ideas…
but wtf not in my case

Talking about MARTIN BUBER is just BULLSHIT
and a kind of unfriendly appropriation from my side (and if I  ever got some support by the Jerusalem University is was based on fake and false assertions)
Talking about Hermann Cohen ist BUllshit
(as far one of my ultraorthodox Jewish comedian told me because they are....  kind of..... assimilation assholes. Which were not exactly his words…but ponctuated by silence  I thought helpful to complete the underlying missing links)

Historical PROOF Is only interesting if it serves the Now transhistorical CAUSE.
It would be of general interest IF ONLY  there was a kind of GENERAL IDEA
of how to use Mass Murdering, Trap and getting away with and so on....

The reason why I dare mentioning this GESTAPAstuff. (sic )
to farer extre.....  Instrinsic en´xtrensic   excentricities
following this dubious letter
are NOT to deny Mass MURDER
as most of my actual haters believe. 

Mass murdering or  going further “Admitting to accusations of genocidal cases” before the Highest International Courts...Those with the highest stakes. and the strongest exigencies are procedures
someone like me should approach in the most humble way possible.
And given the case that  my weakest lies still need Years of sophisticated argumentation and  elaborated documentation, they ought to be taken with the outmost caution:
Because as a genetical liar I am  linked to every thing untrustworthy.

(Linked to the next philosophical burden, someone like me has to affront confirming the philosophical implications of people notexisting which means logically notexisting  is as the equivalent of NOT Truth, not true...)

This kind of flickering untruthfulness describes very well also
The ones I have to deal with and the problem is …what is at stake here and  concerns this shitty letter.
I admit having difficulties with my words…which is a problem of TRANSLATION…wtf…

The knowledge about concentration camps
And what was happening there in Buchenwald or Ravensbrück
Being there or not
Every possible thing  someone knew about

even if


here Hate, interfering, pretends I should denounce myself as coupable  even if someone could present the most accurate documentation about NOT HAVING BEEN  in Baby Yar
Therefore still I Must be held RESPONIBLE IN PERSON says hate.

This is my moral obligation
and This is the question ...i would like to  share with others. The reproach is on one side
what to do with it - on  the other
and condemnation does not signify all, condemnation does not exhaust the meaning.

But: why should anybody be interested in figuring out old phony TRAPS of the Past
Catcxh set up by the GESTAPO
to lure more Notinnocent people into death...
as hate might say (because hate is innocent. and has the exclusive rights  on the definition of  innocence).

Forget Forgetting     
Forget the words what is a trap...
and what could be  the Utility
But it looks like …

I didn't even know that in the Third Reich and during The Third Reich practice of accusing opponents and people of different backgrounds (political artistical and biological...even if the latter is, in its definition  and its jurisdictional sentencing complicated - even for Nazi administration and its lawyers)   
holidays from KZ existed.
and what they are meant for.... what possible in doing then...being on holiday being on hold?

to be suspended

like the rhetoric of "hostages"
its incredible how the term of  "hostages could be diverted...but nobody speaks against it..
when  Mr Trump uses the word
the presumably  assymetrical use of genocide accusation and the question why the International Law has IMPERATIVELY to be changed as the Berliner Tagesspiegel tells its readers NOW:

My family members deemed war criminals without accusation
or after appearing before the Nurenberg Trials
or never ever  (which is considered to be a wrongful situation ( and will always be and  for ever) if  I try to follow my detractors correctly)  should make the differenciation between the following dieffrend situations:

being held as a prisoner in a concentration camp
or  being kept in a prison without any accusation
or being "hostage" as a convicted criminal

would necessitate a more detailed approach.

But as Haaretz or The Jerusalem Post or The Tagesspiegel - which are all much better informed than an irrelevant individual subject in Germany) wrote - it looks like this is rhetorically intolerable but difficult to handle and so, International Law is discredited.

The question who and which as subject should be concerned by any Changes or Proposed Changes  made to International Law should remain and concern all of us:
because its  possible OUTCOME  is the one that affects even a piece of shit or a mentalyl ill person like me without a logic without any  logical and without any substantial claim
(personally I think this is due to the obvious German hypocrisie talking about boycotting AFD but submitting then the same Rhetoric of Outsider Exclusion to other Topics)

Si I do follow the COVERING (Sometimes  Iam wondering How any body could oversee this HEIDEGGERIAN USE Of UNcovering TRUTH) of this Mix ( I have not say "Mess") of political and juridictional consequences

But being held OUTSIDE
take off Talk OFF the Staatsbürgerrecht
or being PEOPLE

It seems to me difficult to understand ther "POLITICAL"  changes as the former Director of Shin Beit
In Haaretz ....political ....or as PEOPLE... wtf...what an idea.
Mahwoud Bargain...sic
or addressing any comments on the LEGAL team of the other side because employing TERRORISTS and CONVICTED terrorists, is something reminding me of the past BUT I am not sure  that after the slur and intimidation there comes a POLITICAL solution.
being hostage means you're always part of the evil process IN LAW

and we could stop here
because it is obvious that any progress being possibly made in NEGOTIATIONs
would always induce the evil part growing

The purpose OF TRAPS or hostages would nevertheless mean  -to conclude my shitty argumentation  or going back to its beginning -

You have to - if you want to READ or CONCEIVE or to set up a Trap that you have to adress the conception to an intended group of persons.
or at least have a group of persons in mind.
a subject to be attracted to....

in my case Hate knows and is certain as hell about German Fascist
Why should any german Fascist lure another one fascist into a trap?

Who could be a person of interest?

You don't care.
A group has to be ENEMY…or THE Other… there are no clutches of other ties…there is no solidarity no other impact