Sonntag, 14. Januar 2024

The transhistorical cause



This picture, I thought, might help raising some questions about PROOF.


Most people don't think necessary to  READ the text hidden behind this picture.

There is none and nothing of interest and if there were some individuals concerned by GESTAPO Letters, it is of no public interest anymore.
They would live through any form of hell...but they couldn't possibly be linked to "The Jewish State" nor to an jewish-arab "Friendship "or in any case LINKED to anything concerning Palestine.

Some personal belongings to late family members of my fascist family gone long time ago
some incomprehensible awful twisted situations
suicides on weddings broken fiancés and lies
mixing Geman Jews and assimilation

do ONLY concern RUBBISH.
Rubbish is not interesting.

There is no LOGIC INTO IT. Talking about German Concentration camps FROM THE INSIDE Of Germany is seen, from a philosophical background, and  from a kind of INBETWEEN in the philosophical range of discussion  considered as quite impossible.
(quote Tugenhat quote Wildenauer  quote Heinze)

Even then it was up to the general conclusion "Germans are nazis and nazis do uncomprehensible things"
quote Simone Weil
all this would be nothing more than historical BULLSHIT.
Empirical stuff of some nazi people nothing more than  a mindful dusty dirt, drying up all empathy.
Sometimes individuals stood up for general ideas and sometimes they are (destined) dooemed illfated)  to be represented by those general ideas…
but wtf not in my case

Talking about MARTIN BUBER is just BULLSHIT
and a kind of unfriendly appropriation from my side (and if I  ever got some support by the Jerusalem University is was based on fake and false assertions)
Talking about Hermann Cohen ist BUllshit
(as far one of my ultraorthodox Jewish comedian told me because they are....  kind of..... assimilation assholes. Which were not exactly his words…but ponctuated by silence  I thought helpful to complete the underlying missing links)

Historical PROOF Is only interesting if it serves the Now transhistorical CAUSE.
It would be of general interest IF ONLY  there was a kind of GENERAL IDEA
of how to use Mass Murdering, Trap and getting away with and so on....

The reason why I dare mentioning this GESTAPAstuff. (sic )
to farer extre.....  Instrinsic en´xtrensic   excentricities
following this dubious letter
are NOT to deny Mass MURDER
as most of my actual haters believe. 

Mass murdering or  going further “Admitting to accusations of genocidal cases” before the Highest International Courts...Those with the highest stakes. and the strongest exigencies are procedures
someone like me should approach in the most humble way possible.
And given the case that  my weakest lies still need Years of sophisticated argumentation and  elaborated documentation, they ought to be taken with the outmost caution:
Because as a genetical liar I am  linked to every thing untrustworthy.

(Linked to the next philosophical burden, someone like me has to affront confirming the philosophical implications of people notexisting which means logically notexisting  is as the equivalent of NOT Truth, not true...)

This kind of flickering untruthfulness describes very well also
The ones I have to deal with and the problem is …what is at stake here and  concerns this shitty letter.
I admit having difficulties with my words…which is a problem of TRANSLATION…wtf…

The knowledge about concentration camps
And what was happening there in Buchenwald or Ravensbrück
Being there or not
Every possible thing  someone knew about

even if


here Hate, interfering, pretends I should denounce myself as coupable  even if someone could present the most accurate documentation about NOT HAVING BEEN  in Baby Yar
Therefore still I Must be held RESPONIBLE IN PERSON says hate.

This is my moral obligation
and This is the question ...i would like to  share with others. The reproach is on one side
what to do with it - on  the other
and condemnation does not signify all, condemnation does not exhaust the meaning.

But: why should anybody be interested in figuring out old phony TRAPS of the Past
Catcxh set up by the GESTAPO
to lure more Notinnocent people into death...
as hate might say (because hate is innocent. and has the exclusive rights  on the definition of  innocence).

Forget Forgetting     
Forget the words what is a trap...
and what could be  the Utility
But it looks like …

I didn't even know that in the Third Reich and during The Third Reich practice of accusing opponents and people of different backgrounds (political artistical and biological...even if the latter is, in its definition  and its jurisdictional sentencing complicated - even for Nazi administration and its lawyers)   
holidays from KZ existed.
and what they are meant for.... what possible in doing then...being on holiday being on hold?

to be suspended

like the rhetoric of "hostages"
its incredible how the term of  "hostages could be diverted...but nobody speaks against it..
when  Mr Trump uses the word
the presumably  assymetrical use of genocide accusation and the question why the International Law has IMPERATIVELY to be changed as the Berliner Tagesspiegel tells its readers NOW:

My family members deemed war criminals without accusation
or after appearing before the Nurenberg Trials
or never ever  (which is considered to be a wrongful situation ( and will always be and  for ever) if  I try to follow my detractors correctly)  should make the differenciation between the following dieffrend situations:

being held as a prisoner in a concentration camp
or  being kept in a prison without any accusation
or being "hostage" as a convicted criminal

would necessitate a more detailed approach.

But as Haaretz or The Jerusalem Post or The Tagesspiegel - which are all much better informed than an irrelevant individual subject in Germany) wrote - it looks like this is rhetorically intolerable but difficult to handle and so, International Law is discredited.

The question who and which as subject should be concerned by any Changes or Proposed Changes  made to International Law should remain and concern all of us:
because its  possible OUTCOME  is the one that affects even a piece of shit or a mentalyl ill person like me without a logic without any  logical and without any substantial claim
(personally I think this is due to the obvious German hypocrisie talking about boycotting AFD but submitting then the same Rhetoric of Outsider Exclusion to other Topics)

Si I do follow the COVERING (Sometimes  Iam wondering How any body could oversee this HEIDEGGERIAN USE Of UNcovering TRUTH) of this Mix ( I have not say "Mess") of political and juridictional consequences

But being held OUTSIDE
take off Talk OFF the Staatsbürgerrecht
or being PEOPLE

It seems to me difficult to understand ther "POLITICAL"  changes as the former Director of Shin Beit
In Haaretz ....political ....or as PEOPLE... wtf...what an idea.
Mahwoud Bargain...sic
or addressing any comments on the LEGAL team of the other side because employing TERRORISTS and CONVICTED terrorists, is something reminding me of the past BUT I am not sure  that after the slur and intimidation there comes a POLITICAL solution.
being hostage means you're always part of the evil process IN LAW

and we could stop here
because it is obvious that any progress being possibly made in NEGOTIATIONs
would always induce the evil part growing

The purpose OF TRAPS or hostages would nevertheless mean  -to conclude my shitty argumentation  or going back to its beginning -

You have to - if you want to READ or CONCEIVE or to set up a Trap that you have to adress the conception to an intended group of persons.
or at least have a group of persons in mind.
a subject to be attracted to....

in my case Hate knows and is certain as hell about German Fascist
Why should any german Fascist lure another one fascist into a trap?

Who could be a person of interest?

You don't care.
A group has to be ENEMY…or THE Other… there are no clutches of other ties…there is no solidarity no other impact