The Other
And having Knowledge of....some...
is not conceived nor understood as a precise knowledge of the existence of
concentration camps
Noticing what is happening there
what "they" do to inmates
And what's going on behind barbed wires.
THE Other is something different
something with a wider range, more specific and loose in the same time,
something hovering with warmth sympathy generosity listening caring over a group
of persons on an abstract but non-metaphorical level hoovering in some kind over the individua, soaking their mindset and transcending...
Just said with my shitty words - as a nazi-breed I do not have precise ideas about this
(as my non-german / French / Switzer or. non.... family said having noticed the malsaine perverted negative background I am coming from))
This part of my personal life on the crossroads where general abstract ideas cut into
any individuality is ...inconsistently and ridiculously bumped together
but as a Nazibreed, working on The Third Reich and some hidden ideas I pretend having got ( obviously lying, distortioning every word like an unfit reader, incompetent listener, and disloyal student) - I pretend having learned from and by my grandparents
One may say: (What possibly could a nazi have taught me rightfully ...?
Wolfgnag Ritzel forced me to read Cassirer Hönigswald and Diltehy in as quickly as possible saying something like: ‘There isn’t much time, but if you want, do it quickly...’
But wtf would one say, listening reluctantly, afraid of getting entangled in too much lies? What could a Nazi have understood in reading Cassirer or Cohen...nothing but assimilated.... (My Jewish Berlin Interlocutor stopped and did not finish the sentence.... probably: bullshit - I must complete his silent judgement:..endgame in any sort of reliability...
Wtf what could my grandfather Wolfgang Ritzel have told me and what on a metaphysical as empirical level could he have known, so, in either one or the other way he could have transmitted ...some sort of...
(In any case way you must start with something in this dark irrational not-to-be- understood matter of absolute evil))
I started with this precise question: what did, what could have they known. in 1933 (About the sort of existential nothingness.. of the others political fate and civic inexistence, the nonprofessional hunger and exclusion...the beginning of the starving
And because of serious missing parts and missing links in and during the year 1933
I started with the Rise to power of my grandfather surrounding family.
The only comments I found were those written by my grandfather’s aunt to
Haushofer. Dating back or -better - forth in the future to 1944 .
Haushofer pieces of information, at least, those written down on paper,which can be found in the Bundesarchiv come surprisingly from the same informant Trott zu Solz uses
I suppose there are not many who know who this is.
Depicted by the author Lauren Young - quoting her self-description - an academic
and policy consultant in security and defense issues. lecturer at Yale University
Establishing a backdrop background to for nazi ambition of Unity Mitford and
speaking of the Clivedon Set
“Cliveden House remained a place of political intrigue even after the war”
Anthony Eden, whose political demise was linked directly to the Cliveden Set
proclaimed “how terrible has been the influence of the Cliveden Set, ‘ while Harold
Nicholsen, who famously stood up against the Munich Agreement, claimed that they
were “a defeatest pampered group”.
The last meeting of the Cliveden Stet took place in the eve of the war during summer
of 1939. Their agenda had been overturned by the inevitability of war. Ribbentrop,
now the German foreign secretary, embarked on an early June weekend in 1939 on
one of the last missions on beghalf of the German government in England. He sent as
an emissary Adam von Triott zu Solz, a friend of Waldorf Astor from his Oxford days.
Unknown to his hosts, he was sent in an inofficial capacity by the German Foreign
Ministry to probe the group to see whatever there was any way to avert England’s
entry into the war. Von Trott was in good companxy for such an inquiry...
Unfortuantely , Young is unable to give some more details about von Trott.
Includig about the circonstances of his death . And the British network of his co-
defendent James von Moltke.
Universities. Like Oxford
And. Gathering intelligence. Unusual like von Trott's reading of Franz Rosenzweigs
Hegel interpretation
Is not part of the process of processing by Laura Lauren Young.
I confess not to remembering exactly her name but my oblivious temper is less
offending than her narrative.
Adam von Trott zu Solz. Still a negative Nazi figure in Britain and obviously
America by readers better informed than me.
Perfectly clear blurred hidden figures fading out into political insignificance by their
own superficial weight and wickedness, consumed from the inside by their rotten
substance. If not hung by some more superior moral forces coming out of absolut evil
are just a kind of STAFFAGE for an intriguing wicked and perverted political system
Paralyzed by NON-action.
I apologize for my inappropriate words..
I slut like to mix French and British words compiled and compelled by nothing and
drawn by force to this end gap of civilisation. The concentration camp.
A very German obsession. Concentration camps
A kind of constitutional gap force
unrightful (sic) and unpleasant as well.
I should be careful if I would go more into family stuff.... But finally I am not in the position to do this, keeping in mind that my position is the weakest, most inferior to all possible theoretical standpoints - so I won't say much.
But even from the weakest position I am wondering why there should be only one
possibility to interpret this coincidence.
Because from my point of view, there is a striking coincidence:
Haushofers Informant
And that of von Trott zu Solz
And the KNOWLEDGE of a kind of gap in the institutional power of the state over a greater part of its population by an existential “Right” of The Institution which is larger than the death penalty that is named by ...
My problem is there is also another coincidence and a third party taking position by
Of course - If detailed reports are to be found in Haushofers restored controlled and
much supervised papers then they should also exist in others. Archives..
and I found other papers in the archives of HAUER, a narcissistic nazistic German philosopher of religions befriended to Martin Buber.
My grandfather as a young student having read, by chance, too, a book of Hauer thought had not found it worth of much esteem. He wrote BULLSHIT in some engaging letters but then had send the book to his mother - about Religion God and
I wouldn't dare say
the annoying part of The Other involved into spiritual realm theological background
and some of those funding fundamental themes. Of Being
Only somebody like huge philosophers dream of
but not me
I am far too shitty a person and won't dare think of or dream of absolut universal
groundings ..
But I do still believe you don't put up areas to isolate and torture people and then speak of a kind of universal spiritual frame keeping them there. to say it as simple as this.
I could start with Levinas or Heidegger or one of my grandfather's choices:Walter
Benjamin reading one of Johann Peter Hebel text's on antisemitic pogroms for
personal use..
Unfortunately, I am not supposed to retell the analysis of Walter Benjamin. and or his
intriguing exegesis of Johann Peter Hebels antisemitic tale.
What I could do would be
to start with war - Levinas
death - Heidegger
and torture - Hebel and Benjamin
and return to WAR with Heraklit and or Heidegger and or my grandfather's surprising
cousin in-laws..
But I am weak in genealogy... even though every nazi should be able to tell them on three or four fingertips
About State and utterances
Yes - I do know that I am supposed to use very academic words.
I could refer to a writing ...a not-yet-to-be-called book BUT I do encounter so much
interference while writing the text
and NO...there is no KI in my writing as long as I can prevent it
no automatic correction
I do need my words as shitty as they are
I do need my faults because they are mine even translating wrongfully madness
and my weakest counter... is to name it publicly...
The theological background is presumably only Christian and by this antisemitic in
its purest sense, even in the difficulties of and with non-aryan Christian and the
deduction to non-christians at all
The theological background of my grandfather has been violently faded out.
OR BUT hate helps a lot in distroying my efforts to rebuild a kind of personal puzzle
I was kind of / bit surprised not to find any in my family
because it took me at least seven years to find - and get access to
The papers of Hugo Schmidt, a pastor of the church of Brandenburg
tortured to death or murdered in the MOORExpress or by some other means in 1940
Hate tells me... ( French nodding now) This is only an inexistent truth nothing more than a lie
Better to read Walter Benjamin and Levinas and Derrida and Kafka about the hidden places of law and power and State Kojéve, Zizek and Lacan.
Santner. My own private Germany,1996
..."what manifests itself as the law’s inner decay is the fact that the rule of law is, on the final analysis, without ultime justification or legitimation, that the very space of juridical reason within which the rule of law obtains is established and sustained by a dimension of force and violence that, as it were, holds the place of those missing foundations. At its foundation, the rule of law is sutained not by reason alone but also by the force/ violence of a tautologous enounciation...
As Jacques Derrida has emphasized in a fine commentary on Benjamin’essay (i.e.Violence) Not Hebel...of course, nr) , the extralegal dimension of force. ( lay bare to postwar and postrevolution Weimar parlamentarians as W.Benjamins initial concern was - nr again)...can be subsumed under a more general notion of the performative structure of speech acts. is, Benjamin suggests (and Santner, nr), this missing link. (At the origin of the symbolic capital circulation through it) pertaining to the emergence of instutions that drives the symbolic macxhinery of the law - for Benjamin, the paradigmatic institution - and infuses it with an element of violence and compulsion.